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About the company

Your Sustainability consultant

TOO "SSDC" was founded in 2014 and today is a leader in the field of greenhouse gas emissions management and sustainable development, verification and validation of carbon offsets in Kazakhstan.

We are the only company in Kazakhstan that is a member of the European verifier cooperative verico, which allows us to use European accreditation for verification of international voluntary carbon offsets and international reporting on Scope 2 and 3.

The company is engaged in verification and validation in the subjects of quotas and carbon offsets. Our company has carried out more than 100 works on verification and validation of quota subjects in the field of energy, oil and gas sector, metallurgy, chemical and cement industries, as well as verified the first carbon offset in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

According to the order of LLP "National Accreditation Center" №1699-OD dated 30.12.2022 on accreditation and reissuance of accreditation certificates "SSDC" LLP is accredited for compliance with the requirements of ST RK ISO 14065-2016, ST RK ISO/IEC 17029-2020, ST RK ISO 14064-3:2019 as a body for validation and verification of greenhouse gases.


One of the company's areas is development of sustainable development strategies, methodologies for accounting for greenhouse gas emissions and greenhouse gas emissions management. More
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We are members of

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Европейский кооператив верификаторов «VERICO SCE»
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Ассоциация ВИЭ «Qazaq Green»
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ОЮЛ «Союз Верификаторов Республики Казахстан»


According to the scope of accreditation, our company has the right to provide services in the field of verification and/or validation in the following industries:

Oil and gas industry

Electric power industry

Mining industry

Mining industry

Chemical industry

Production of building materials

In terms of design solutions:

  • mining and metallurgical (in terms of mine methane utilization projects);
  • renewable energy sources;
  • recycling of municipal and industrial waste;
  • energy efficient construction;
  • energy saving and energy efficiency improvement;
  • forest projects and land use

Our Vision

A complete transition to sustainable development is possible thanks to the joint efforts of various sectors of the economy, which implies the exchange of unique experience and resources to achieve a common goal.

The role of our organization in this system is to promote and integrate the principle of sustainability into the business strategy, taking into account the extraction of economic, environmental and social benefits, as well as building a dialogue between stakeholders.